Stephen Bischoff, Ph.D.
Assistant Dean of Students and Director of MSS

Matthew Jeffries, Ph.D.
Assistant Dean of Students & Director of Campus Climate and Community Building

Josie Cohen-Rodriguez
LGBTQ+ Student Life & Community Coordinator

Monserrat Contreras
Student Services Coordinator, Multicultural Student Center Point of Contact

Jessica Samuels, Ph.D.
Assistant Director of MSS/AASC retention Counselor

Jaime Díaz, PhD (abd)
Retention Counselor, CLSC

Angie Klimko
Director, First at WSU First-generation Initiatives

Kikzely Avalos
Office Assistant | MSS

Geoffrey Heeren
Associate Professor and Director of the Immigration Clinic University of Idaho College of Law

Yaslin Torres-Peña
Student Engagement Liaison, Undocumented Initiatives

Monserrat Contreras
Student Services Coordinator, Multicultural Student Center Point of Contact
MacKenzie Hammonds
AASC Mentor

Daniela Alpire
USC Mentor

Daniela Alpire
USC Mentor

Vitto Altomare
AAPI Mentor

Vittorio Altomare
AAPI Mentor

Monroe Amos
DSC Mentor

Siju Apejoye
AASC Mentor

Siju Apejoye
AASC Mentor

Abigail Argel
Office Assistants | MSS

Arielle Argel
Office Assistant, Office of Student Equity
CUB 409
Suzena Arias
NASC Mentor

Fridda Arreola Morales
CLSC Mentor

Starr Asuncion
AAPI Mentor

Starr Asuncion
AAPI Mentor

Kikzely Avalos
Office Assistant | MSS
CUB 409
Alvin Azana
AASC Mentor

Alex B. Guerrero
USC Mentor

Joan Baldovinos
CLSC Mentor

Stephen Bischoff, Ph.D.
Assistant Dean of Students and Director of MSS
CUB 409C 509-335-7704 bischoff@wsu.edu
Tyler Bokuku
NASC Mentor

Zoe Braeutigam
Office Assistants | AAPISC

Ermia Butler
NASC Mentor

Julian Caballero
AASC Mentor

Cameron Caldon
NASC Mentor

Nathalie Castaneda
CLSC Mentor

Wilmer Castillo
Office Assistant, Office of Student Equity
CUB 409
Brenda Susana Cerda Martínez
LGBTQ+ Mentor

Afryea Charles
AASC Mentor

Josie Cohen-Rodriguez
LGBTQ+ Student Life & Community Coordinator
509-335-8841 josie.rodriguez@wsu.edu
Kili Correa
NASC Mentor

Lorena Cruz
Student Services Advisor
Wilson-Short Hall, Room 8C 509-335-2572 lorena.cruz@wsu.edu Meet Lorena
Brenda Cruz Contreras
CLSC Mentor

Kalyssa Cutright
Office Assistant, Office of Student Equity
CUB 409
Daisha Dayoan
AAPI Mentor

Alex Diaz Nava
Office Assistants | USC

Jaime Díaz, PhD (abd)
Retention Counselor, CLSC
CUB 402 509-335-2617 jaime.diaz@wsu.edu Meet Jaime
Gabriel Domingo
AAPI Mentor

Leila Domingo
AAPI Mentor

Leila Domingo
AAPI Mentor

Kristabelle Eaton
AAPI Mentor

Nikkie Fabia-Lactaoen
CLSC Mentor

Antonio Fajardo Mora
AASC Mentor

Brooke Falconer
AASC Mentor

Nofo F Fanene
AAPI Mentor

Michelle Fosua
AAPI Mentor

Jacob Fox
AAPI Mentor

Nathalie Garibay-Castaneda
USC Mentor

Ivanna Garza
CLSC Mentor

Citlaly Gomez-Ledezma
DSC Mentor

Citlaly Gomez-Ledezma
CLSC Mentor

Junior Gonzalez
CLSC Mentor

Vianey Granados
CLSC Mentor

Vianey Granados
CLSC Mentor

Sienna Guadagnoli
LGBTQ+ Mentor

Liliana Guzman
Office Assistant, Office of Student Equity
CUB 409
Mackenzie Hammonds
AASC Mentor

Jake Hanashiro
CLSC Mentor

Makenzie Harris
AASC Mentor

Kyndall Hayes
AASC Mentor

Geoffrey Heeren
Associate Professor and Director of the Immigration Clinic University of Idaho College of Law
875 Perimeter Dr., MS 2322 | Moscow ID 83844 (208) 885-6110
Vicente Hernandez
Office Assistants | USC

Weilan Huang
AAPI Mentor

Jael Ibarra Domondon
AASC Mentor

Kelsey Islas Fernandez
CLSC Mentor

Chayanne Iyun
AASC Mentor

Chayanne Iyun
AASC Mentor

Matthew Jeffries, Ph.D.
Assistant Dean of Students & Director of Campus Climate and Community Building
Washington Building 509-335-3417 matthew.jeffries@wsu.edu

Katherine Jiminez
Office Assistants | MSS

Amiyah Johnson
AASC Mentor

Amiyah Johnson
AASC Mentor

Jaden Kang
AAPI Mentor

Lauryn Kim
AAPI Mentor

Lauryn Kim
AAPI Mentor

Angie Klimko
Director, First at WSU First-generation Initiatives
CUB 410A 509-335-4736 a.klimko@wsu.edu

Kellee Lagondino
AAPI Mentor

Callista Lagunoy
AAPI Mentor

Jesenia Larios
Graduate Assistant, La Bienvenida New Coug Orientation
509-335-6489 jesenia.larios@wsu.edu

Julian Levene Jr.
AASC Mentor

Ingrid Llorente
LGBTQ+ Mentor

Albert Lucas
AAPI Mentor

Karen Magana
CLSC Mentor

Tajia Magaoay
Office Assistants | MSS

Tama Mamea
AAPI Mentor

Tama Mamea
NASC Mentor

Fatou Manneh
AASC Mentor

Teann Manser
AAPI Mentor

Rhea Grace Manzano
AAPI Mentor

Angie Martinez
CLSC Mentor

Susana Martinez
CLSC Mentor

Trina McConnell
DSC Mentor

Zaylei McCord
NASC Mentor

Michael McCoy
AAPI Mentor
Demetrius Means
AASC Mentor

April Mendoza
AAPI Mentor

April Mendoza Magaña
CLSC Mentor

Fabian Mondejar
NASC Mentor

Carlos Motta
CLSC Mentor

Carlos Motta
CLSC Mentor

Jah' niya Myers
AASC Mentor

Loren Myers
AASC Mentor

Alesia Nez
NASC Mentor

Olivia Nguyen
AAPI Mentor

Vivianna Nguyen
AAPI Mentor

Olivia Nguyen
AAPI Mentor

Vivianna Nguyen
AAPI Mentor

Joan Njenga
AASC Mentor

Coralys D. Pabón Rivera
Assistant Coordinator, LGBTQ+ Center

Darasimi Peters
AASC Mentor

Madeleine Peterson
AAPI Mentor

Nancy Phan
CLSC Mentor

Gebanny Pineda Cuevas
NASC Mentor

Alejandra Prado
CLSC Mentor

Alejandra Prado
CLSC Mentor

Breana Ramirez
DSC Mentor

Mauricio Ramirez-Guerrero
CLSC Mentor

Abraham Reguero
CLSC Mentor

Cris Reyes
CLSC Mentor

Johan Rivera
CLSC Mentor

Johan Rivera
CLSC Mentor

Miranda Rivera
Office Assistants | MSS

Karina Rodriguez
Office Assistants | MSS

Yesli Rodriguez
AAPI Mentor

Diana Rodriguez-Peña
Office Assistants | USC

Carlos Rojo
CLSC Mentor

Michelle Roman
Office Assistants | MSS

Charles Ross

Sierra Rowe
AASC Mentor

Tauheed Sadruddin
AASC Mentor

Jessica Samuels, Ph.D.
Assistant Director of MSS/AASC retention Counselor
CUB 420 B 509-335-5169 jessica.samuels@wsu.edu

Kierra Simmons
CLSC Mentor

Michael Solomon
Access Advisor & Disabled Student Center Coordinator
Washington Building michael.solomon@wsu.edu
Zoe Spencer
AAPI Mentor

Hadja Mariam Sylla
AASC Mentor

Mariam Sylla
AASC Mentor

Ismael Tamba
AASC Mentor

Alohi Tangalin
AAPI Mentor

Mianna Tanguileg
USC Mentor

Yaslin Torres-Peña
Student Engagement Liaison, Undocumented Initiatives
CUB 421 yaslin.torres-pena@wsu.edu
Marina Tran
CLSC Mentor

Jolly Tusabe
AASC Mentor

Leisa Uelese
AAPI Mentor

Leisa Uelese
NASC Mentor

Demond Valencia
NASC Mentor

Cleofa Vargas
CLSC Mentor

Jaena Velasco
Office Assistants | AAPISC

Oscar Velazquez Padilla
CLSC Mentor

Sebastian Walker
CLSC Mentor

Jayden Walker-Fields
AASC Mentor

Ashley Wells

Tommy Williams
NASC Mentor | Retention Specialist

Dashaun Wilmer-Jones
AASC Mentor

Nick Yamaguchi
AAPI Mentor

Nickolah Yamaguchi
AAPI Mentor

Alyssa Zepeda
CLSC Mentor

Alyssa Zepeda
CLSC Mentor